Category: Fishing

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Trip Planning Tools

A fairly constant theme in our home is trip planning. Both of us love to look at maps and start picking out places we want to travel to. Those places are usually lakes because...

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5 Reasons To Go Ice Fishing This Winter

Our nights are staying consistently cold and although I complain about the cold, I also appreciate it because that’s ice making weather. Cold nights, and hopefully a lack snow, will gets the lakes frozen...


Exploring in South River

When it’s November and the forecast is calling for sunshine and temperatures in or near the double-digits, you pack your bags and head out for an adventure. That’s what we do anyway. Then came...

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3rd Annual Fall Trip To The Massasauga

A couple of years ago we came to the end of a hard farming season completely burnt out, had about $100 to spare, and desperately needed to get away. That was when we decided...