Ice Breaking And Fishing

For the second weekend in a row, Darrell and I decided to get the boat out and head to a local lake. On Good Friday we found the river leading into the lake to be nice and open, but we came to a stop as we approached the lake and thick ice stalled our entry. After some warm temperatures, rain, and wind, we thought it was worth checking in again this weekend to see if anymore of the lake was open.

Higher water levels and increased flow greeted us at the launch, causing us to be somewhat optimistic about the lake conditions. Another boat trailer in the parking lot made us smile and left us hoping things had changed.

As the gas motor roared to life, Darrell guided Luma (our boat) upstream, and I found myself waiting for the moment when the river would give way to the lake and we could speed through open water.


Not exactly the open water I was hoping for.

What we actually found was that the wall of ice continued to hang on, and the other boater was just enjoying the beautiful day out on the water, without the chance of getting any further. After a nice conversation, the other boater decided to head in and we decided to try some ice breaking (or snow mo boating, as a friend calls it).

Unlike last weekend, Luma was able to break several trails in the ice, but we always got stuck just short of the area we were attempting to reach. There was open water ahead, where I could see geese splashing about, but the ice just wouldn’t let us get there.

We fished wherever we were able to clear a path, though suckers were the only fish we saw (some rather large ones that I definitely tried to target). Darrell was able to break ice into chunks and then use the boat to push it over to the shore. He cleared a lot of water, giving us a fair bit of room to cast.


It’s good to see the ice break up.


We managed to clear some open water.


Casting around chunks of ice takes some patience, especially if you snag one!

The lake appeared to be calling to many people on this beautiful day. Two groups of kayakers paddled out, hoping to find open water. Some of them took advantage of the paths we had cleared, and everyone voiced their hope that the lake would be open next weekend.

The sunshine and perfect weather made for a lovely day on the lake, even if we couldn’t get all the way out. Watching the suckers, I couldn’t help but marvel once more over their amazing eyesight as they darted away every time my lure came near them. I just enjoyed the act of casting and dreamed about finding sunfish and rock bass when the ice finally moves out. It will be even better when bass open at the end of June!

Waiting for the ice to leave can be a slow process, but it helps to have a little ice breaker when you really need to get your fishing fix.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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