Tagged: trout unlimited

Volunteers Clean The Credit River Ahead Of Trout Opener 0

Volunteers Clean The Credit River Ahead Of Trout Opener

For many anglers in Southern Ontario, the weekend before trout opener is a chance to prep gear and scout spots. For a group of dedicated volunteers from Trout Unlimited Canada’s Greg Clark Chapter and...

I’m Planting In The Rain, Just Planting In The Rain 2

I’m Planting In The Rain, Just Planting In The Rain

Maybe it doesn’t have quite the same ring as ‘I’m singing in the rain’, but I couldn’t help changing the lyrics as I sang this to myself this past Saturday while digging in the...

CVC Trout Spawning Survey 2

CVC Trout Spawning Survey

Yesterday I had the privilege of taking part in a trout spawning survey organized by Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). It was the first time I had participated in such an event and even though I had...