Tagged: Ontario

Volunteers Clean The Credit River Ahead Of Trout Opener 0

Volunteers Clean The Credit River Ahead Of Trout Opener

For many anglers in Southern Ontario, the weekend before trout opener is a chance to prep gear and scout spots. For a group of dedicated volunteers from Trout Unlimited Canada’s Greg Clark Chapter and...

Ice Breaking And Fishing 0

Ice Breaking And Fishing

For the second weekend in a row, Darrell and I decided to get the boat out and head to a local lake. On Good Friday we found the river leading into the lake to...

Autumn Beauty And Spawning Salmon At Lowville Park 0

Autumn Beauty And Spawning Salmon At Lowville Park

Lowville Park in Burlington is a great place to visit at any time of the year. With a playground, picnic areas, trails, and Bronte Creek flowing right through it, the park is popular destination. Our...

Summer Vacation Bass 2

Summer Vacation Bass

Getting away for a few days is a tricky task around here. It’s difficult to find a sitter for horses, cats, and dogs, and difficult to drag ourselves away from the grind of daily life....