Tagged: Hiking

Fishing & Exploring Bronte Creek 3

Fishing & Exploring Bronte Creek

At one time, the mention of Bronte Creek brought me images of gutted and rotting salmon, hoards of anglers, stream degradation, and massive amounts of garbage. These impressions were formed during my first two visits to...

An Afternoon On The Elora Cataract Trailway 0

An Afternoon On The Elora Cataract Trailway

Although the weather on Saturday was pretty much perfect for spending a day on the water, Darrell and I decided it was equally perfect for hitting the trail with our bikes. I had been...

Book Review – Paddling And Hiking The Georgian Bay Coast by Kas Stone 3

Book Review – Paddling And Hiking The Georgian Bay Coast by Kas Stone

It’s no secret that Georgian Bay is one of my favorite places to visit. The fishing is usually fantastic, the scenery is breathtaking, and there are no shortage of outdoors adventures to be had....

Icy Hiking At Island Lake 0

Icy Hiking At Island Lake

Today was beautiful. Just absolutely get out of the house and enjoy yourself beautiful. After spending weekends on the ice for the past couple of months, today was the day to get outside with...