Tagged: fish

2011 Salmon Spectacular Recap 0

2011 Salmon Spectacular Recap

The weather was much more cooperative for this year’s Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular and as a result I was able to get out on the water far more than last year. Unfortunately, that didn’t...

A Wilder Day 2

A Wilder Day

When some very windy weather ended our plans of fishing in Owen Sound on Sunday, Darrell promised to take me to a little lake he knew that would be sheltered from the wind and...

No Go At The Salmon Spectacular 1

No Go At The Salmon Spectacular

This morning started early with a wakeup of 3:45am. We’d actually meant to get up earlier but one of our darling pets seemed reluctant to let us go and turned off the power to...

Website Wednesday: She Loves To Fish 0

Website Wednesday: She Loves To Fish

A great blog that everyone should take the time to check out is Ashley Rae’s blog, She Loves To Fish. Ashley is a fellow Ontario angler and is very active in the fishing community....