Tagged: fish

Atlantic Salmon Stocking – Fun & Rewarding 2

Atlantic Salmon Stocking – Fun & Rewarding

“The important thing is to keep an eye on your kids and keep them dry.” That was the basic instruction given to myself, Darrell, and the rest of the volunteers helping with the Atlantic...

One Of Those Crappie Nights You Hope For 5

One Of Those Crappie Nights You Hope For

Sometimes a last minute change of plans can lead to something really wonderful. Darrell and I were on our way somewhere last night when we found out we no longer needed to go. Since...

An Evening At Snyders Flats 10

An Evening At Snyders Flats

How does one follow up three wonderful days of fishing? I don’t know about other people, but Darrell and I followed it up by spending the morning on a Credit River tributary, stocking Atlantic...

Fussy Fish On Fairy Lake 0

Fussy Fish On Fairy Lake

Knowing the rivers are open to fishing and that I can wander along in search of brookies, browns, and bows, is a wonderful thing. However, by the Sunday of opening weekend, the fish are...