Tagged: dogs

Father’s Day Fishing With The Fur Kids 0

Father’s Day Fishing With The Fur Kids

Having a small boat can be a real benefit in some situations. It is extremely cost-effective, can be launched in any lake or pond (and even some rivers), it requires little maintenance, and it...

Easter Geocaching 4

Easter Geocaching

When Darrell and I made plans for this past weekend, they were pretty simple – get the boat out on the big water. After monitoring the weather all week we had hoped to hit...

My Introduction To Geocaching 3

My Introduction To Geocaching

One of the neat things about being in school is the number of interesting activities I have been exposed to. During an Introduction to GPS lecture, my prof brought up the topic of geocaching. Geocaching...

Family Day Fishing 2

Family Day Fishing

Family Day here in Ontario is one of those weird holidays – some places are closed, some are open, This year I was one of those lucky people with the day off, but Darrell...