Tagged: boating


Open Water Season Begins

Erza let out a few high-pitched, whiney barks, and wiggled her whole body like only an Australian Shepherd can. She wasn’t the only one excited. We were all finally sitting in the boat and...

red lund rebel boat 0

The Boat Is Out

Last night we finally pulled the boat out of her winter storage spot in the driveshed. Darrell gave her a quick wash and we tested the motor and gave everything the once over. She’s...

The Joys And Follies Of Our Grand River Bass Derby Weekend 2

The Joys And Follies Of Our Grand River Bass Derby Weekend

Charles Dickens once wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”. Although we didn’t quite reach those...

The Ultimate Skinny Water Boat 0

The Ultimate Skinny Water Boat

Earlier this week my attention was drawn to a blog post on Craig Ritchie’s blog about a 4×4 boat. I had to have a look and what I found was a boat I absolutely...