Argosgirl Outdoors Blog

cartier moose loop 0

Snowmobiling the Cartier Moose Loop

With it being a craptacular winter for snowmobilers in Southwestern Ontario, Darrell and I decided to pack up the sleds and head to Sudbury for some trail riding. We’ve spent a lot of time...

The ChillOut 0

Experience Winter Overlanding at The ChillOut

Overlanding rigs, campfires, good friends, and a snowy landscape made for a fun first edition of The ChillOut. Put on by OverlandNTH, The ChillOut, held February 10th to 12th, was billed as a winter...

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Why Use A Diesel Heater for Winter Camping

If you’re an ice angler, you’ll know that there’s no better way to stir the pot than to ask, “Which is better, a propane heater or a diesel heater?” There will be hundreds of...

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DSG Outerwear Gear Review

It’s not an easy task to find outerwear that fits when you’re a plus-sized woman who enjoys the outdoors. Finding a good ice fishing suit was proving especially difficult when I went looking for...