Category: Fishing

Toothy Critters On Tiny Gear 0

Toothy Critters On Tiny Gear

Sunday was forecast to be a beautiful, sunny day. Of course, the chimps predicting the weather were wrong and it was actually a cloudy, cold and windy day. But that didn’t dampen our enthusiasm...

Fabulous Fairy Lake Fishing 0

Fabulous Fairy Lake Fishing

While I was off chasing big fish on Sunday, Darrell took his brother, Cody, to Fairy Lake in Acton, looking for revenge on the crappie that broke him off last time we visited the...

Good Friends, Big Water, Great Boat and Kings 4

Good Friends, Big Water, Great Boat and Kings

I am not a morning person. It takes one heck of a good reason for me to get up early, and an invitation to spend the day on Lake Ontario fishing for kings seemed...

Getting Your Hands Full…Of Catfish 0

Getting Your Hands Full…Of Catfish

As I was browsing through some fishing news articles today my attention was drawn to an article about the Texas Legislature legalizing hand-fishing for catfish or ‘noodling’. Personally, I cannot understand the appeal of...