Orangeville Volunteers Work Hard At Tree Planting

Orangeville’s annual Earth Day Tree Planting was held this past Saturday and saw 500 trees and shrubs get put in the ground. Organized by Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and the Orangeville Sustainability Action Team (OSAT), the event was held in conjunction with the Rotary Club’s Make Orangeville Shine garbage clean-up.

Though Saturday happened to be Trout Opener around these parts, I found myself volunteering for this event for the third year in a row. The trout could wait a few hours as I drove to Orangeville for one of my favorite events of the season. This tree planting never fails to attract a great group of volunteers, and though the numbers of volunteers may fluctuate over the years, the enthusiasm and hard work never disappears.

Unlike the snow and rain of the previous two years, this year’s event received blue skies and brilliant sunshine, though it was chilly enough to need a jacket.


I had a great time working the registration table! (Thanks to Mark Whitcombe for the picture)

Volunteers began arriving by 8:30AM. Registration is a pretty informal process, but I enjoy signing people in for CVC and getting the chance to chat. There are always a few people who take the time to have a nice conversation and share a laugh. Tim Hortons once again donated hot beverages (much needed) and Timbits, enabling volunteers to get some energy ahead of their physical work.

While registration started fast and furious, the crowds at the tables dwindled faster than normal, and by the time I headed over to the tree planting site, we had 25 people signed-up; less than expected, but every single one very much appreciated.

With 500 trees and shrubs to plant, it mean that the 25 volunteers would have their work cut out for them. By the time I arrived on site there was just over an hour of scheduled planting time left and a whole pile of plants still in pots.The general consensus was that a number of trees and shrubs would be left unplanted, requiring someone to return at a later time to finish the task.

tree planting

The fantastic volunteers getting their hands dirty and getting trees in the ground!

However, as I said before, the volunteers in Orangeville are nothing short of spectacular. Reinforcements were called in, amounting to another five or six pairs of hands. Skipping the scheduled start for the BBQ, the volunteers stayed a little bit later and got every one of the 500 plants in the ground. Absolutely amazing.

Rotary Club members worked hard at the BBQ to make sure all the volunteers got something to eat. Cupcakes proved to be a big hit – I had a few and can vouch for their deliciousness.



The trees and shrubs were planted on the hill behind the Best Western. In this location they will help to slow runoff from the rain and snow melt, provide a natural area, increase habitat for wildlife, help air quality, and provide a noise buffer from the highway. Volunteers will be able to view the results of their work for years to come.

Great work by all involved and I hope to see everyone out there again next year.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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