Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year. It is usually one of the most beautiful times, with colourful leaves and autumn weather. There’s plenty of food, lots of pumpkins, and several Fall Fairs. Most importantly, the fishing is usually outstanding around this time.

Thanksgiving is also a time to pause and give thanks. I have a lot of things in my life to be thankful for. Here are a few, in no particular order.

1. My job – I was very lucky to have a job upon graduation, within the field of my choice. I’m even luckier to still be there after my summer contract ended. Every day I get to learn new skills, new information, and new ways of looking at things. Much of my time has been spent in the field, something I really wanted when I returned to school. I have great co-workers, and it’s nice to be able to pay the bills.

2. My fur kids – I am thankful for the love and companionship I get from the cats, dogs, and horses. While they often drive me mad, they do make me happy. It’s always rewarding to be given their trust and love.

3. Being Canadian – Canada is not perfect, but there is no nation I would rather live in and call home. The natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and generally tolerant society, are things that I cherish. I have the freedom to pursue the type of life I desire, and nothing is quite as awesome as hearing ‘Oh Canada’ play when we win another hockey tournament.

4. My fishing buddy  – Without Darrell, I never would have gotten into fishing, I likely would not have turned into a conservationist, I can guarantee I would never have started this blog, and I would have missed out on a lot of amazing things. Being able to share my life with someone who makes me smile, who puts up with my eccentricities, and takes me fishing, is truly a special thing.

There’s my short list, and I hope everyone takes a moment to be thankful for all they have. Have a fantastic weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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2 Responses

  1. Good blog Rebecca. And yes, I agree with your list! I remember that Christmas morning when you & D came to see Argo & you stood at my door saying he bought you fishing equipt. He created a fishing monster that day! You’ve since found your calling in life with your school & now job. Plus I can text you caterpillar & bug pics for ID:)

    • argosgirl says:

      Hahaha that remains one of my favorite stories to tell – how I got fishing gear for our first Christmas together, instead of the winter jacket I so desperately needed. Our lives would have turned out quite differently if I had not embraced those gifts. I love getting pics from you to ID, gives me a chance to practice those skills!

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