Celebrate The Credit River On October 4th
A salmon walk, a restoration planting, seminars discussing the health of the Credit River watershed, and the ghost ponds found throughout it – there’s something for everyone at this year’s Friends of The Credit Stewardship Forum hosted by Credit Valley Conservation (CVC).
Held on October 4th, 2014 at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) Campus, this free event will celebrate CVC’s 60 years of conservation through informative seminars and fun outdoors sessions.
The Credit River holds a special place in my heart, as it does for so many other anglers and outdoors enthusiasts. A tributary of the Credit is where I learned to fish, spending day-after-day chasing brook trout. To this day, it is my favorite river to visit, a place where I can spend a whole day wandering along the water and not mind if I don’t catch a single fish. I learned about fish stocking and Atlantic salmon thanks to the Credit. In fact, my interest in the Credit River watershed led me to the first Stewardship Forum, which quite literally changed my life.
Attending the Forum is a great way to meet other conservation-minded people, learn about the history of CVC and the watershed, get introduced to monitoring and community-outreach programs run by CVC, and learn about interesting ecological initiatives. During the outdoor sessions you can spend time around the beautiful UTM campus and connect with nature.
Some of the seminars and outdoors sessions include:
- From Clouds to Streets to the Credit River: The Story of Rain Water Control and how it Evolved in last 60 Years
- Two Roads Diverged in a Wood: How do we Lead our Children Back to Nature?
- Migratory Bird and Plant Walk
- Dark Diversity: The Loss & Restoration of our Native Species
- Credit River Salmon Walk and Aquatic Insect Sampling and Talk
Every single attendee I have spoken with at the forums has greatly enjoyed the day and planned to return the following year. Join in on the fun and register today!
View the Forum schedule here.
Register for the Forum here. (Attendees are asked to register by September 24, 2014)