Happy National Dog Day!

Thanks to Twitter, I discovered that today is National Dog Day. It is hard to imagine life without a dog. Before we brought Jack home, I went without a canine companion for a few months and it was awful. I enjoy coming home to these happy faces, and I love including them in our adventures.

Jack is our Australian shepherd. He is one of the smartest dogs I have ever met. When you talk to him, you can see him trying to piece things together. I swear he always knows exactly what I am asking him to do – sometimes he does it, often he chooses to ignore it. He will not make eye contact if he does not want to do something. If I tell him that Darrell should be home shortly, he will park himself at the sliding door and watch the driveway until he sees the truck. Jack also happens to be sneaky, athletic, afraid of thunderstorms, great with cats, and a total suck. He was like a magnet up in Owen Sound last weekend, with several people wanting to look at him, pat him, and talk about him. Jack loves fishing, but more than anything, he loves Darrell.


One of my favorite pictures. We took him for a walk and he started running all over the place, taking the giant logs in stride.


The cats love to cuddle with Jack.

australian shepherd

He is always watching something.

Molly is a setter mixed with border collie and any number of other breeds. We adopted her at six months old, from a single parent family that loved her very much, but did not have the space or finances to look after her. I was warned that she had been abused as a young puppy, and to this day you can still see her hesitate around some people. She loves children. While Jack is the dog that runs away from kids and prefers to play with other dogs, Molly is the one that pulls us towards kids and sits patiently while they pet her. Fishing is a tolerable activity as far as Molly is concerned, but jumping out of the boat and getting wet is even better. Chasing birds is what she lives for, and walking in a straight line is not for her. When she is unsure about something, Molly runs to me and won`t leave my side.


Molly is never far from Jack.


It is impossible for me to sit down without having Molly come over. I love her for it.


If reincarnation is real, I want to be this happy dog in a second life.

So Happy National Dog Day to our pooches. Maybe they will get a treat with dinner.

Please share some stories about your dogs!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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