Getting Ready For The 2014 Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular

We’ve been counting down the months, weeks, and now days, until the 2014 Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular gets started. Heck, our whole goal for the new boat has been to get her ready for Owen Sound.

This year’s event runs from August 22nd to August 31st and promises to be as much fun as always. With a floating village on the water, and a full schedule of entertainment under the big tent, this is an event worth attending.

I love the camaraderie at this derby. Everyone is eager to ask how you’re doing, and whether or not you’re catching anything, there’s a smile and some positive words. To be honest, we rarely catch anything up there, yet we return year after year. The last few years have been fished out of our 12-foot tinny, and although we’ve stayed out in some pretty rough water, we’ve often been stuck on shore when the wind really kicks up. This year we have a bigger boat and are looking to get even more time with our lines in the water.

Darrell was in Owen Sound yesterday taking care of some errands, and took a few pictures that show just how close the start of the derby is.

owen sound

Looking towards the harbour.

Owen Sound

This view represents my first memory of the derby. I’ll never forget standing in that spot and seeing really rough water that I didn’t want to go out on.

owen sound salmon spectacular

It’s coming!

owen sound salmon specatacular

The truck is there with the big tent.

owen sound salmon spectacular

The big prize is already there.

If you haven’t got your tickets yet, hurry up and buy them. You need to purchase them at least one day in advance of fishing the derby.

Even if you don’t plan on fishing, come on out for the fun, the food (two big fish fries), and the entertainment. There are draw prizes every night, and some big draw prizes for the end of the event.

I look forward to getting out on the water as much as possible, and I hope to see you there!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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