Monthly Archive: December 2013

5 Tips For Staying Safe While Ice Fishing 4

5 Tips For Staying Safe While Ice Fishing

On many lakes in Southern Ontario, it appears we have an early start to the ice fishing season. This is pretty amazing considering it’s not even Christmas yet! Valens Lake Conservation Area announced yesterday that...

Book Review:  Climbing Fitz Roy, 1968 2

Book Review: Climbing Fitz Roy, 1968

As a self-confessed bibliophile, adding beautiful and inspiring books to my library always pleases me. Climbing Fitz Roy, 1968, by Yvon Chouinard et al., is one of those books that seemed destined for a spot...

What Year Is It? 2

What Year Is It?

This morning was full of wonder as I looked around the yard and noticed the snow, the sun, the dark-eyed juncos foraging in the vegetable garden, and the harsh screams of the blue jays...