Kick Off National Fishing Week 2013 With These Fun Derbies

With just over two days to go and beautiful summer weather in the forecast, Canada’s National Fishing Week should get off to a great start. Beginning July 6th, and ending July 14th, there are a multitude of events being held across the nation, aimed at getting people of all ages outside and enjoying time on the water. For anglers in Ontario, you can fish this entire week without a fishing licence! It’s a great time to finally wet a line and experience the joys of fishing, or maybe rekindle the interest you once had.

smallmouth bass

A beautiful smallie from the Grand.

For us, the beginning of National Fishing Week means one thing – time for the Grand River Bass Derby. Held on July 6th & 7th this year, the Grand River Bass Derby is a fun-filled weekend of chasing smallmouth bass along this majestic river. In the past few years we have fished it in several different ways – from the shore, out of the canoe, and last year we put the boat in. It doesn’t matter what you have or how you choose to fish it, or whether you’re a beginner or an old veteran of the river, everyone stands a chance at catching the big one. The Grand River is full of surprises and I never know from one derby to the next, just how she’s going to shape up. That’s part of the fun.

The Grand River Bass Derby is a catch and release event, and all fish brought to the measuring station must be in an aerated container (not a bag) with at least 20 liters of water. This rule makes sure the bass remain in top shape and can be released to swim another day. While the conservation side of this event is a big plus in my mind, many people are equally interested in the awesome prizes that are given out each year. Even if you don’t catch a fish it is worth going to the awards ceremony to cheer on your fellow anglers and possibly receive a door prize. Plus, with a $25 entry fee per adult for the weekend, you really can’t go wrong.

You can register for the event at Natural Sports in Kitchener.

Also being held this weekend is the Island Lake Bass Fishing Tournament. Any regular readers of this blog will know just how much I enjoy visiting Island Lake in Orangeville to catch big bass. It’s a spectacular fishery with some absolute monsters in it. If I wasn’t so in love with the Grand River Bass Derby, I would be heading here. This event is a little different than other tournaments and derbies – the winning fish is the one with the highest score after combining weight and length. In addition to cash prizes for the top five bass, there is a cash prize for the top northern pike, black crappie, and yellow perch. This is also a catch and release event.

Spending a weekend fishing Island Lake is sure to be a blast. The only downside is that the entry fees are higher than the Grand River event – $70 for the weekend, or $45 for one day.

Registration for this event can be completed online until 5pm on July 5th, and at Island Lake Conservation Area after that.

These are just two of the many events being held this weekend. Gather up friends and family members and create some new memories while enjoying all that fishing has to offer. I’ll be somewhere along the Grand all weekend, chasing beautiful, acrobatic smallies.

Have questions about entering a derby? Check out this post.

To see more fishing events scheduled for the week, check here.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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