Walleye In The Sun At Belwood Lake

It’s hard to believe, but we had yet to get the boat out with the gas motor running this year. Sticking to smaller lakes that only allow an electric motor is fine, but I was eager to get out on some bigger water and let the boat have a good run. After all, there’s no point in keeping the motor in great shape if you never get to use it.

Today’s destination was Belwood Lake, with the hopes of keying in on some productive pike patterns before next weekend’s Belwood Lions Pike Derby. The water was flat, the sun was shining, boats dotted the landscape, and our little tinny was racing across the lake in no time. While we had chosen to launch at the Belwood Lake Conservation Area, we decided to run up the lake to start fishing and work our way back. One of the real benefits to owning a 12-foot aluminum boat with  9.9 HP motor is that it’s cheap to run the boat up and down the lake.

Super Darrell! He told me he would catch fish today, and he did.

Super Darrell! Getting all psyched up to start fishing.

Since pike and walleye only opened last weekend, I had not yet had a chance to toss many of my favorite lures. They don’t work so well on crappie. Casting a spinnerbait about felt wonderful, even though I figured the fish had seen more than enough spinnerbaits in the past two weekends. Over the winter, Darrell had picked up a new rod and reel combo that he plans to use for chasing musky. However, with no musky outings planned for the near future, he decided to bring it along today, as well as several new, large lures, and get some practice casting them. I could not have blamed other anglers for wondering what all the commotion was as these giant baits hit the water.

Our peaceful start to the morning was interrupted occasionally by the splashing and the carrying-on of amorous carp that are now in the shallows. Since I find carp extremely entertaining, Darrell took the boat in closer and I watched several fish swimming around together, even coming right out of the water. Let the spawn begin!

belwood lake

There’s no better place to see carp at this time of the year than in the shallows.

belwood lake

Such action! And yes, I have become a fish geek, I just love watching them and learning about their behaviour.

While our main focus was to locate some decent pike, we also wanted to target walleye. The walleye population in Belwood Lake is a bit of a mystery to me. We usually manage to land one or two on each outing, but nothing too big and never in any numbers. Like everything else, it will take time on the water and some hard work to get these fish figured out.

We did, however, manage to land a few on this outing. Using jerkbaits and a drop-shot, Darrell landed a couple of walleyes and I managed to pull one in. The fish were just on the edge of the trees, relating to some rock on the bottom. The spots we found them in were transition zones – usually on the edge of a drop off. My fish hit on the drop-shot and it was such a different take from that of a pike or a bass. Instead of feeling any weight on my line, I just noticed that it was moving away from me. I set the hook and brought in a fish. While I manged to lose one more fish on the drop-shot, Darrell caught his two walleye on a jerkbait and we both lost a couple of fish on the jerkbait.

belwood lake walleye

Darrell’s first walleye.

belwood lake walleye

And, since we always find these pictures entertaining, here’s what the same fish looks like when you use the ‘long arms’ approach.

Belwood Lake walleye

My lone walleye of the day.


Another little ‘eye.

I’ll admit, we kind of lost focus on the pike and ended up fishing for walleye. Darrell landed a small pike and, even though I spent some time working deeper water with lures that have produced in the past, that was all the pike action we had for the day.

As is so often the case, we stopped at Belwood Super Snax for a fantastic lunch. It’s nice to sit at a picnic table in the shade, relax, have some good food, and be able to keep an eye on the boat. If you get the chance to fish Belwood Lake, I recommend stopping here for lunch. Another option was the chip truck that was parked at the launch in the conservation area.

Belwood Lake gave up a few fish today and gave us a great time running the boat. The weather could not have been nicer and the sunburn on my legs proves how sunny it was. I can’t wait for the pike derby next weekend!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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10 Responses

  1. Very nice walleyes and report. I’ve never fished for them. Maybe I should!

    • argosgirl says:

      It’s fun to catch something different now and then. Walleye are not at the top of my list to catch, they just don’t provide the same energetic fight as a brookie or a smallmouth bass, but I really enjoy catching some now and then, just for the variety. I caught my first one two summers ago and I couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night.

  2. Mel says:

    Here is too wishing you guys get into some pike action next weekend. Never fished for Pike, but, have read many stories of how exciting it can be when you get into them. As for Walleye, I am a neophyte Walleye angler, with spotty success. I will take all the tips from you I can get.

    • argosgirl says:

      LOL I am still a neophyte with walleye. There aren’t too many places close to home where I can chase them, but this lake and the river below it seem give them up. My largest walleye was caught during the Grand River Bass Derby a couple of years ago. Really nice fish and bigger than these. If you get the chance to go for pike, do it. The small ones can be a pain when they continually nick up line, but when they start to get bigger, it’s a real rush.

  3. Amber says:

    Some of my fishing goals for this summer are to catch at least one each of walleye, pike, and muskie. Nice walleye!

    • argosgirl says:

      Good goals! I have yet to catch a muskie (though I have lost one) but it’s on my list for this year.

  4. Scott says:

    Great report! Where is the super snax? Is it by the Belwood launch? Can’t wait to hear how the pike derby went! Would have been there myself but was on Lake Huron instead today.

    • argosgirl says:

      The Super Snax is on your left when driving into the launch right in town. It’s nice because you can pull up to the dock in town, leave the boat, and get some food. Hoping to have the derby post up shortly. Thanks for visiting!

  5. I caught my first Walleye at bellwood lake on my first year of fishing and I kept I’d and it is very mild just like Halubut it was very tasty!

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