A Visit To Ken Reid Conservation Area
One of the perks of attending Fleming College is that I have many classes outdoors. Some of my fellow students did not consider that a perk when it was -20C during the winter, but with all my ice fishing clothing, I was pretty happy. Unfortunately, there are still far too may days where I am trapped indoors for class and I find it hard to concentrate after a while. I need sunshine and fresh air! When that happens, I take advantage of whatever breaks I may get and head outside. Today I managed to find a few minutes to visit Ken Reid Conservation Area and had my camera in tow. My exploration time was pretty limited, but this is what I came up with…
Fragrant blossoms, flowers just waiting to burst into full glory, cheery robins, and calming water. It’s amazing how much a quick walk will lift the spirits and help you get through the day.
Rebecca, wonderful camera work! All of your pictures are stunning. May I ask what type camera you use? Thanks for sharing the outdoors your way.
Thanks Mel! For all fish shots I just use my camera phone, but for everything else I use a Canon EOS 20D. It’s an older model now but it works great and I’ve gotten used to it. I use the 18-55mm EF-S kit lens and a 75-300mm zoom lens. I would love to get a proper macro lens for it – I love closeup shots.