Monthly Archive: April 2013

Countdown To Trout Opener 0

Countdown To Trout Opener

I can hardly believe that trout opener in Southern Ontario is just over two days away. It’s about time! For me, trout opener is like Christmas. It’s the day I look forward to all...

It’s Almost Time For The Shimano Take A Kid Fishing Day 0

It’s Almost Time For The Shimano Take A Kid Fishing Day

Every year, Belwood Lake Conservation Area gets taken over by throngs of kids eager to experience all the joy and possibility that fishing can give them. The annual Shimano Take A Kid Fishing Day...

Entering Your First Fishing Derby 4

Entering Your First Fishing Derby

Fishing derbies are great fun. They are a way for anglers to improve their skills, meet up with other fishing enthusiasts, and most importantly, have a great time! I wasn’t sure what to expect...

Open Water! Of Sorts… 0

Open Water! Of Sorts…

At the time I am writing this, Fairy Lake will finally be open. However, that wasn’t the case when Darrell and I pulled into Prospect Park in Acton last Sunday and saw far more...