Ice Out Countdown – Apr 1/13

I decided it was time to make a trip and check out two of my favorite local lakes to see how they were progressing in Ice Out 2013.

Guelph Lake, Ontario

There open water at the river mouth and along shore, but that's about it.

There was open water at the river mouth and along shore, but that’s about it.

It seemed rather ironic that I was checking for ice out conditions and didn’t even want to leave the car due to the cold. But at least there is some open water and the ice that remains looks pretty rotten.

Fairy Lake, Acton, Ontario

As always, the river mouth at Fairy Lake is the first place to open. The geese were enjoying what open water they found, but there's too much ice left out there for me to be happy.

As always, the river mouth at Fairy Lake is the first place to open. The geese were enjoying what open water they found, but there’s too much rotten ice left out there for me to be happy.

We're going to need some warm weather before this snowbank on the boat ramp disappears.

We’re going to need some warm weather before this snowbank on the boat ramp disappears.

My visit to Fairy Lake was the real bummer. This is my favorite ice out lake and every year I show up wishing to see open water, and am treated to the sight of a small opening near the river mouth. I never seem to have any patience while waiting for this lake to open. At this rate it will be another week, probably two, before I get to toss the boat in. Waiting is so hard! I want to get out there and catch some crappie!

On my little trip to the lakes I drove through whiteout conditions and fought the wind to keep the car on the road. It sure didn’t feel like spring today. However, I did take the opportunity to do a little more geocaching and came across the coolest container I’ve found yet.

A hollowed-out log was the location of this cache. I thought it was a pretty neat container.

A hollowed-out log was the location of this cache. I thought it was a pretty neat container.

Looks like I’ll be waiting a little longer to fish these two lakes. I hope it gets warm and that ice disappears soon!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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4 Responses

  1. Good luck with your new format here, and thanks for sharing information on your local fishing waters!

    • argosgirl says:

      Thank you! It’ll be interesting to see what I can come up with for design and whatnot. I wanted to make the switch before trout season opened – I plan to be busy fishing after that.

  2. anil says:

    Love your blog and good luck on your new blog page, thanks for all the tips on our local ontario waters, hope that ice melts 🙁 soon i wanna head up there saturday

    • argosgirl says:

      Thank you so much for your kind comments! When I first started fishing I was frustrated by the lack of information available about my local lakes, so I try to give people enough info to help them feel comfortable visiting new water. I’m hoping to get a look at a few lakes again on Saturday – I really can’t wait for open water. Good luck on Saturday!

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