A Day Of Chrome On The Saugeen

Saturday proved to be a wonderful day of steelheading on the Saugeen River outside of Southampton, Ontario. And I missed it! Since I had decided to attend Radioworld’s Ice Fishing Seminar weeks in advance, I was already committed when Darrell told me he was hitting the Saugeen with his friend, Adam, that day. While I had a fantastic time at Radioworld – learning more tips for ice fishing and making plans for the upcoming season, Darrell is in trouble for having a fantastic day of steelheading that I couldn’t be part of! Okay, maybe he’s not really in trouble since I got to see lots of great pictures, re-live the excitement through his stories, and learn about a productive spot on the river…but I really wish I could have been there.

I do feel bad that I forgot to tell Darrell to check the line on his float rod before the trip. I snagged it quite a few times on my last trip and that may have had something to do with the apparently rather large fish that broke him off to start the day. He did make up for it with another fish, but it was Adam who was on fire. He caught several nice fish and kept Darrell’s fingers at near-zero temperatures trying to land them without the net. Roe bags were the key.

Here are several pictures to make you wish you were on the water:

Darrell's catch.

Darrell’s catch.

One caught by Adam.

One caught by Adam.




Admit it, you wish you were out there on Saturday with these guys!

Darrell and I went back to this spot on Sunday, but the rain had turned the river to mud and there wasn’t much hope of catching anything unless you managed to drop the bait into their mouth.

If you’re thinking of going out to the Saugeen, or anywhere else, check the regulations and make sure you know where you can fish (and how many you can keep, if that’s your thing). Fishing doesn’t have to end at this time of the year. In fact, it just seems to be getting better.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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3 Responses

  1. Looks like a great day on the water. Makes me look forward to another meeting with the steelhead!

    • argosgirl says:

      Chasing steelhead is becoming an addiction – it’s impossible to not look forward to the next outing! It’s better than sitting at home and waiting for the ice to come in 🙂

  2. barzup says:

    Reblogged this on Lured Outdoors and commented:
    Nice fish

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