Recycled Fish – The Gift Of Stewardship
In the age of ever shrinking budgets and funding cutbacks to government agencies responsible for protecting the environment and our fisheries, an organization like Recycled Fish is extremely important. Recycled Fish is “a national movement of fisherman who live a lifestyle of stewardship on and off the water”.
Recycled Fish promotes Catch & Release, as well as Selective Harvest where appropriate. It’s an organization that encourages anglers to be stewards – both on and off the water. SAFE Angling is the name of the game – Sustaining, Angling, Fish and Ecosystems. It means being responsible for shoreline cleanup, handling fish safely to decrease mortality, and making ecologically-sound decisions when it comes to tackle and everyday practices.
With Recycled Fish, it’s never been easier to be a steward. The website provides a wealth of information for those looking to get involved and live the lifestyle. You can sign up for weekly Stewardship Tips emails that help you incorporate the methods into your life. This week’s Stewardship Tip was a timely one on Low Impact Giving. You can also purchase a Stewardship Kit that includes a mesh shoreline cleanup bag and a handy booklet that will aid on your way to becoming a steward.
If you’re looking for a special gift this holiday season, consider sponsoring a Stewardship Kit, or donating to this cause.
Recycled Fish works hard to get the message of stewardship out to anglers. From the 24 hour Fish-A-Thon to the Recycled Fish “On Ice” Tour, Recycled Fish gets out into the community to educate and assist anglers in their role as stewards. Take a moment to check out this fantastic organization and the great work they do. After all, it is up to us anglers to protect the resources we love.
Thanks for helping spread the good word – and I couldn’t have said all that you did any better myself!
Great adventures,
Thanks Teeg!
Great cause to support and promote! We joined up as ambassadors with the Recycled Fish “On Ice Tour”. Looking forward to getting out on the ice soon! We have been punching some holes lately but have only spent about an hour on the water. Good luck this winter and stay safe!
You’ve actually been able to punch some holes? Lucky! It looks like we’ll have a green Christmas here and I’ll be surprised if we get ice anytime soon.That’s fantastic that you joined the ‘On Ice Tour’. Recycled Fish is such an excellent organization to support. Good luck to you as well this hard water season!