Our Fantabulous Coleman Stove
Okay, Fantabulous may not be a real word, but I think it describes how much I love our Coleman stove. And I want to share with you the story of how Coleman, the maker of our fantabulous stove, has kept my family outdoors and brought it closer. Sponsored by Coleman and hosted by the Outdoor Blogger Network, this is my submission for the Coleman Camping Heritage Essay Contest.
I have always enjoyed the outdoors, but camping was not something we did a whole lot when I has a child. I remember a handful of camping trips at a young age, but those were quickly replaced by summer’s spent at horse shows. One thing I do remember about those few camping trips was my father’s insistence that Coleman made the highest quality camping gear. I never forgot that growing up.
Jump forward several years to my first camping trip with Darrell. Was I excited? Not so much. I was thrilled to be spending a week fishing, but I didn’t think I was going to survive a week in a tent, away from indoor plumbing, and away from the stove that creates so many delicious dinners. I watched as Darrell packed up the gear, and I felt oddly comforted when I saw the Coleman logo on our camp stove.
The first morning waking up in the tent, I craved a tea. My back was stiff from the bumpy ground I had slept on and I was less than pleased to realize there would be no hot shower for me. As my grumbling got louder, Darrell set up the stove and got to work. While the kettle boiled away, he pulled out the bagels I had requested and started toasting them. The stove has both a burner and a grill, perfect for what we need. In a few minutes I had a my breakfast sitting in front of me and was comforted by the feeling of home.
I will admit here, that one thing I was worried about on the first trip was running into a bear. I was not ready for that. I’m no city-girl, but put me in the wilderness around animals I haven’t encountered, and I can’t help getting anxious. The stove helped with that as well. Boil some water and it was easy to clean all the dishes and food prep areas, giving inquisitive animals less reason to wander into camp.
As the week went on I caught lots of fish and learned a lot about Darrell – watching him in his element was enlightening. Yet I could not help but get cranky. We’d be on the water too long and the sun would start to get to me. The bugs wouldn’t leave me alone. Sometimes the fish stopped biting altogether. Whenever I was reaching critical mass with my crankiness, Darrell would bring us back to camp, pull out the stove, and make a meal. If my mood didn’t immediately improve, it at least stabilized, and Darrell and Jack, our dog, could both be seen breathing a sigh of relief (even if Darrell won’t admit it).
Without the camp stove I would never have survived that trip.
On that trip, and future camping trips, the Coleman stove has served as the hub of our campsite. It doesn’t feel like we’ve set up camp until the stove is out and cooking. When we get back from fishing the stove gets put to work, and when we’re ready to pack it in for the night, the stove is tidied up and put away.
The camping trips allow Darrell and I to get away from everything else and just enjoy each other’s company for a few days. I treasure that time we get together.
Thinking back now, the fantabulous stove has proved what my father used to tell me – Coleman really does make the best camping gear. I believe that now more than ever. What my father didn’t mention at the time, but I suspect he always knew, was that good quality camping gear allows you to have fewer headaches and keeps your family happy, outdoors, and together.
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