A Sunday Without Fishing

I tweeted it, I posted it on Facebook, but I’ll say it again – not fishing on a Sunday sucks! My plans for yesterday involved hitting Belwood Lake for some opening weekend pike (and possibly walleye) action.

My water heater had other ideas.

When I stopped myself just short of jumping into a freezing cold shower yesterday morning, I quickly realized the water heater had issues. After phone calls and what we thought was a lucky break, it looked like we would have a service technician out and hopefully have the problem repaired early enough to go fishing.


As minutes turned into hours and the afternoon dragged on, it became obvious that a fishing trip was out of the question.

Again, no fishing, especially on the weekend, really sucks.

Since I was getting itchy about not fishing I went outside and got to work. It’s amazing how much work you can get done when you’re motivated.

Darrell spent five hours cutting grass.

I hit the gardens.

I started in my perennial garden. I spent ages here, putting in new plants, weeding, aerating the soil. And there is still so much work to do! I need to do more weeding (although weeding never really ends), I need to add mulch, I need to clean up the border… The canoe will be turned into a garden when I find enough soil for it.

The dogs enjoyed being outside.

I built this fence yesterday to try and hide the pipes and whatnot coming out of the basement. I’m thinking that a clematis growing all over the fence would look nice.

This tulip is finally starting to bloom. I love this tulip – it’s such a beautiful, dark shade. I really have to move it out of the manure pile once it’s finished blooming.

Jack spent the afternoon keeping an eye on things – as he usually does.

Molly spent the afternoon playing and lounging about – as she normally does.

The bleeding hearts are growing nicely – despite Molly’s repeated attacks on them (why she thinks she can run right through them is beyond me).

My bulb garden. I love puttering in this one and enjoying the colors. Once the tulips are done the peonies will be coming in.

It was a very productive day spent outside, enjoying the sunshine. I love working in the gardens and spending time with the dogs.

But I still wish I had gone fishing.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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2 Responses

  1. River Mud says:

    Ha ha, and if you’re like me, no one reads your gardening posts anyway 🙁

    • argosgirl says:

      LOL yep, this post didn’t get much attention. Oh well, I needed to rant about not getting to fish and I like talking about my gardens, even if no one wants to hear/read it 🙂

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