Outdoors Events For May 2012

The days are longer, the sun shines brighter, the temperatures are warming up, and May is the month to get outside and have some fun. There are quite a few fishing-related activities to take part in this month, as well as other great opportunities to just get outside and enjoy nature. Here are a few I wanted to mention.

May 5 – Shimano Take A Kid Fishing Day – A day of fun for children ages 8-14 and their parents. Held at Belwood Lake Conservation Area, there are workshops on tying flies, fishing for rainbow trout, bait and lures, how to rig lures and tie knots, archery introduction, and learning how to fish. The event includes free tackle packages and a free BBQ lunch. This day-long adventure is free, just pay admission to the park. Space is limited so pre-register.

May 5 – Walleye and Northern Pike Opener in Zone 20 (Lake Ontario) – Who doesn’t look forward to the opening of each fishing season? (Other than the fish…) I love this time of the year when it becomes possible to chase more fish.

May 12 – Annual Binbrook Crappie Derby – A live release crappie derby with $8,000 in prizes available to be won. There are 150 tagged fish and prizes available for the heaviest fish.

May 12 – Walleye and Northern Pike Opener in Zone 16 – On this day I no longer have to feel guilty every time a pike grabs my lure while I’m out for crappie. Yay!

May 26-27 – Belwood Lions Pike Derby – Finally, this year, I will be able to participate in the Pike Derby! I have been wanting to participate the past few years but due to various factors I wasn’t able to. This year I am going! And I’ve been stocking up on lures that I hope will land me the big one.  First prize for the adult category is $2,000 and first prize for the youth category is a PFD, rod/reel, and tackle box.

Credit Valley Conservation – CVC has tons of events and volunteer opportunities planned throughout the month of May. Check out their events page for more information.

Of course, trout opened at the end of April so I’ll be spending plenty of May on the rivers. If you’re going to be chasing trout on the Grand, be sure to check out the Wilson’s Fergus store.

This is but a small sample of some of the things you can do this May. The important thing is to get outside, go fishing, and have fun!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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