Website Wednesday – Bucket List Publications

The world of blogging is a wonderful thing. You write a post, publish it, put it out in the public domain, and hope that someone, anyone will read it. Then one day you start getting comments, likes and follows. People are reading your blog! Quite often, the people visiting your blog are fellow bloggers, and as they leave their mark on your site, you start to return the favor and visit their site.

That’s how I came across Bucket List Publications – one of the coolest blogs I have had a chance to read.

Bucket List Publications began as the blog, Indulge: Travel, Adventure, & New Experience, written by Lesley Carter. With her husband, Darren, Lesley grew that original blog into Bucket List Publications.

What’s so cool about this site? The fascinating posts about incredible adventures and spectacular places to visit. Not only do Lesley and Darren get to share their adventures, but all sorts of writers are featured on this site, bringing unique experiences and entrancing tales to a forum where all can enjoy.

I honestly can’t pick just a few posts to direct you to, just visit the site and start clicking.

The great stuff doesn’t end there, Bucket List Publications actually wants to help others cross items off their bucket list:

People want to live their dreams and up until now they were doing that vicariously through us, but we want to offer them the opportunity to live their own life to the fullest. After we reach $5000 in donations, we will start accepting submissions for Bucket List Candidates. One lucky winner, each month, will be selected to make one bucket list dream a reality. We’ll do all the planning and the writing, leaving the adventure and accomplishments to them.

 That sounds pretty awesome to me! Read this post about one lucky person getting the chance to achieve a bucket list dream of his.
After reading through this site, you will find yourself reflecting on your own bucket list. My own list involves a lot of fishing experiences. After reading about some of these other adventures, I may have to add to my list.
Check out Bucket List Publications today, and let your imagination go…
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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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1 Response

  1. I just discovered her blog too! I live reading about all the adventures and adding them to my list 🙂

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