Icy Hiking At Island Lake

Today was beautiful. Just absolutely get out of the house and enjoy yourself beautiful. After spending weekends on the ice for the past couple of months, today was the day to get outside with the dogs and go for a hike to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures.

Since I declared our ice fishing season over last weekend, and we weren’t quite ready to hit open water, today seemed a good time to visit Island Lake Conservation Area and hit the trails for the first time.

Molly taking the time to enjoy the fresh air.

We began our hike in the sugar bush. You know it's getting close to spring when buckets are on the trees. The sap running into the buckets sounded like a river.

The lines are already hooked up between the trees.

The sugar shack. As I was trying to find a good spot to stand and take this picture, my feet slid out from under me and I went crashing to the ground. Not the best way to start the walk. I had been a little too eager for spring weather and was wearing running shoes that had no grip. I should have kept the boots on a little longer! My wet jeans and sore hip were a reminder to be careful for the rest of the walk.

My first good view of the ice from the trail. There were anglers out on the ice, but they were not allowed this far back on the lake. There was a lot of water on the ice and the warm weather is going to finish it off pretty quickly.

Some stretches of the trail were ice free...

...others were not. On the stretches covered in ice, I used Darrell as an anchor - he's much more steady on his feet than I am.

The end of the line. Eventually the trail will include a boardwalk that will cross the lake and form a continuous loop.

The sign explaining the trails and the plan for continuing this one. Funding help is needed to complete the trail, check out www.creditvalleyca.ca for more information on how you can help.

Anglers out enjoying what will probably be the last of the safe ice.

This hut was set up right by the sign warning anglers from traveling beyond that point.

Several Christmas trees are waiting to drop into the lake and provide more habitat.

It was an amazing day to be out for a walk and I had a wonderful time exploring what Island Lake Conservation Area has to offer, aside from the fishing. The trails are beautiful and will take you through some wonderful areas. The walk certainly did a good job in relaxing me, despite my slip on the ice, and Molly loosing her breakfast in my lap on the way home!

Take advantage of the beautiful weather and get outside. Visit your local conservation area and take advantage of what they have to offer.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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