Fairy Lake Ice Fishing – January 21, 2012

The hut made for a great day on the ice. What a great gift this was.

The sun was shining as the truck was loaded up for a trip to Fairy Lake in Acton for a crack at some crappie fishing. After two slow weekends of fishing I was hoping to find a hot bite and my spirits were high as we drove to the lake.

It was amazing to walk out on Fairy Lake in the winter and see no snowmobiles. I don’t know why they aren’t out on the ice yet this year, but it is a nice break from the usual noise and and sometimes dangerous walking areas.

The first few holes we drilled revealed that we were finally locating fish. To be honest, over the past couple of weekends I began to wonder how well our Humminbird PiranhaMax 160 PT fish finder was working. For two straight Sundays the finder had marked almost nothing. Today, however, proved the finder was in excellent working order. From the first hole we marked fish in, to the last hole we fished, the finder reliably told us when fish were in the area, what depth they were at, and when they were moving.

This is what I looked at all day. The thick black line above bottom shows where the fish were. I never before had used a fish finder like this and it really was like a video games, watching my lure dance on the screen and then seeing the line arcing up towards it as a fish showed interest.

While we started marking fish immediately, neither of us could entice a crappie to bite. Both Darrell and I began fishing with our finesse rods and the white dropper jig tipped with a white Gulp waxie that had worked so well for us last winter. Of course, it’s always a bad idea to stay with one lure just because it worked in the past. What worked last year or yesterday, may not work today. The fish were obviously there but we needed to find a trigger to make them bite. With only one crappie pulled through the ice we started changing up our lures.

Darrell eventually ended up with a pink jig head tipped with a red Gulp angleworm and started getting bites.

Darrell with a crappie

Darrell may have been getting bites, but I was beginning to get a sense of deja-vu. I had lost a very large fish at the hole, again, and had brought nothing through the ice, again. I continued working through holes, drilling more and checking them with the sonar. Lots of fish but still no bites. So I did the only thing that made sense – I put on the same rig that Darrell was using. That worked.

The relief and excitement I felt when pulling that first crappie through the hole was amazing. I know there was a big smile on my face as I held that lovely little crappie in my hand and pulled the hook out. For the next hour or so we sat in the hut and pulled up one crappie after another. Our eyes were glued to fish finder screen, watching our lures go up and down, seeing fish raise to check out our bait, and even more fun, watching the fish we had just released swim away.

One of the fish I caught apparently liked our hut better than the water, he tried to come back up.

A nice Fairy Lake crappie.

There were a few things that were key to helping us catch fish today:

  • We drilled a lot of holes,
  • We only fished a hole if we marked fish,
  • We moved around until we found active fish,
  • We changed up our lures until we found what the fish wanted,
  • We paid close attention to our fish finder and made adjustments to our presentation as needed. When we were softly jiggling our lures we would see a fish rise to check out our bait, if we decided to dead-stick we would see the fish swam away. A more aggressive jiggling action could get the fish to turn around, but they would only bite when we returned to a soft jiggling motion.

We ended up having a fantastic day. As I often do, I thanked all those wonderful crappie for biting my lure and giving me the thrill of reeling them in. There were other anglers out on the ice and I hope they had as much fun as we did.  If you are looking for some good crappie action, plan a visit to Fairy Lake.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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16 Responses

  1. John says:

    The sonar has become an indispensable winter “friend” for me over the years. I like to call it “Wii Fishing” …where you get to eat the high score. I’ve only fished Acton in the summer with little to show except weeds, it looks as if a winter visit may be in order.

    • argosgirl says:

      Wii Fishing – I love it! Fairy Lake has a great crappie population. If you get there, park at the legion and follow the trail out to the deep spot (it’s where everyone else will be). It usually takes a few of holes but taking the time to figure them out is worth it – I’ve had very few slow days fishing there in the winter.

  2. Ken says:

    Can you tell me how is the ice condition in Fairy Lake and where should I park there,also how far I have to walk out?

    Thanks in advance!

    • argosgirl says:

      Hi Ken,

      This past Sunday the ice was a good 7 – 8 inches thick. The Legion is the best place to park (over by the plane), as long as they are not busy they don’t seem to mind people parking there. It will give you the shortest walk out to the main fishing hole. From there the walk takes maybe 5 minutes and unless you are a super early bird, you will see a few other people out there. There’s usually a path leading from the Legion out to the best spot. The other place to park is in Prospect Park, but you’re looking at a slightly longer walk.

      Good luck!

  3. crappie says:

    Thanks very much for your reply, it is a very helpful information.
    5 minutes walk is good enough for my old man to have some execise since he cannot walk too long anyway.
    Can you tell me how deep I should fish for after I walk 5 minutes?

    Thanks again for your help!

  4. crappie says:

    Thanks again for your prompt reply.
    I will look for the plane in Legion and park right beside the plane(should be ok to park beside the plane?) and walk straight and count 5 minutes to see whether I can find 20FOW. Hope I can find some crappiet there.

    Thanks so much again for the information!

  5. Ken says:

    I went to Fairy this early morning and not even have a bite at all.
    Couldn’t find the path because the ice just like a mirror so we just find a place with 16 feet only, cannot find 20FOW.
    We saw few group of fishermen in different spot.
    May be next time and hope I find 20 fow but no one near us.
    Also, any shore fishing spot during spring time? Seems the spot near shore is very shallow


  6. Ken says:

    Can you tell me the ice conditon in Fairy Lake? Been busy few weeks and would like to go this weekend but wonder how the ice like?
    Thanks in advance!

    • argosgirl says:

      Ice was still 8-10 inches when I was there on Monday. Head for the bay where you will see other people fishing – it’s almost directly across from the point that extends out from the park. Hopefully there will be a path for you to follow this time. Almost everyone sets up in the same spot – it’s the best place to find fish. Good luck!

  7. Ken says:

    Thanks very much for your value information. Will let you know how I made out tommorrow.
    Thanks again!

  8. Ken says:

    Went solo today and didn’t get any fish and that ok, ice is ok, no wind and calm day. Fun to get out for a busy week of work. will not give up and hope I will hook some fish for my next outing.
    Thanks again for sharing your information

    • argosgirl says:

      I’m glad you were able to get out. I’ve been skunked my last few outings to a couple of different lakes. Not quite as much fun when not getting bit, but it is great to be outside and fishing. Hopefully you’ll be able to get some fish next time.

      Once the ice melts you should be able to get quite a few crappie and sunfish by fishing from shore. The spring crappie bite has never disappointed me on that lake 🙂

  9. Ken says:

    Thanks for your reply. I am going to wait for the ice melt and try again to see I can get some panfish.
    By the way, should I still shore fishing at Legion or which direction has deeper water to cast from shore(opposite side from Legion?)

    Thanks again!

    • argosgirl says:

      In the spring and summer your best bet is to fish from the park, or by the dam. Over by the Legion is pretty shallow and all I’ve caught there is the odd catfish. Fishing near the boat launch and the dock, up that whole side, or around where the creek comes in, will give you a good chance at catching something.

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