Website Wednesday: Noise On The Line
Tossing spinners for trout was the basis of my fishing education. The countless hours I spent down at the river, tying on spinners and trying to entice those delightful brook trout to bite are among my favorite memories. Because of this, I am always on the lookout for new spinners – something a little different than what the fish are used to.
Last spring my attention was drawn to a post for a contest for spinners and I found myself on Noise on the Line, the blog for John Delaney, the owner of Fish Creek Spinners. John’s creations were exactly what I was looking for – something different than the usual fare available in my local tackle shops.
I managed to win a few of the 1/8oz Glass Armadillo spinners and had a great time fishing with them. Not only do they provide a slightly different vibration than what I normally use, but they also provide a different look. The fish aren’t the only ones who enjoy the change in appearance – I loved the packaging these spinners arrived in – nice, clear containers that I have used over and over.
Noise on the Line is the place to find out about what’s going on with Fish Creek Spinners, as well as other fishing stories. It’s a great read and well worth a visit.
In fact, if you get over there soon, you can get yourself entered into Noise on the Line’s Birthday drawing for some of these awesome spinners.
I intend to do some shopping for Fish Creek Spinners come spring time – trout, beware!