My Newest Fishing Buddy

I’ve come to the conclusion that one can never have enough fishing buddies. Up to this point, my two main fishing buddies have been Darrell and Jack.

This is the usual state - Darrell fishing and Jack sleeping at his feet, or anywhere near Darrell where he'll be in the way.

I love my fishing buddies, but I felt the need for a little female companionship. Enter Molly.


Molly came to us last week from a family that was unable to keep her. She’s a 6-month-old Collie x Shepherd and an absolute bundle of energy. She loves nothing more than to run around outside and play with Jack.

Molly hasn’t been out on an actual fishing trip yet. Saturday she had her first introduction to scouting out new fishing areas. In fact, I think it was probably her first time swimming, or even wading in the water.

It took following Jack's lead to get her in the water, but Molly sure seemed to enjoy it after that.

She doesn't seem to like it if I get too far in front of her...she has to catch up.

I’m hoping we’ll be able to get the dogs out fishing this weekend. I have no idea what to expect from Molly when she sees a lure cast out for the first time, or sees a fish on the end of the line. It’s time for a new fishing buddy to learn the ropes. It should be an adventure 🙂

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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