It’s Froggy Time!
Well, almost froggy time. Tomorrow is the bass season opener in Southern Ontario and once again begins my favorite time of the year!
I love to fish for anything but bass provide so much fun that I really look forward to their open season. Perhaps the biggest reason I enjoy bass season is because it allows me to fish with a frog…and there’s nothing I enjoy more than the adrenaline rush of a big bucket-mouth smashing a frog!
Last year we were on a pond tossing Scum Frogs (by far my favorite frog, they just always seem to work for me) and a huge swell in the lily pads and sudden weight on my line told me I had a big fish. It took all my effort to count to two and give the fish enough time to re-position the lure before I set the hook…and wow! It took quite some time for me to play that fish out and in the end I pulled in my largest bass – 6lbs! Even typing about that catch is getting my psyched for tomorrow
It’s only one more sleep, if I can sleep. I’ll probably dream of bass smashing frogs all night. Hmmm….I think I have a problem.