Grow A Brain – Boat Launch Etiquette

Boat Launch

This person needs to learn how to launch a boat - that's step 1 in boat launch etiquette!

Boat launch etiquette – it’s a much discussed and much written about topic but it appears some people still require a refresher course in the basics. There are too many instances in which people completely disregard the usual process for launching their boat.

This past weekend I was witness to a breach of boat launch etiquette. I was waiting at the dock with the boat while Darrell went to get the truck and trailer. I had the boat pulled around to the side so it was out of the way. As Darrell started to pull out of his parking spot another truck came through the front gates, drove straight up to the ramp, backed up part way…and stopped. This genius THEN started to undo the tie-downs and get his boat ready. All the while I was standing there holding onto the boat and Darrell was waiting at the top of the ramp.  While we were polite to idiot in question, the two us had some not-so-nice things to say once we were back in the truck.

It amazed me to that this person had absolutely no problem with taking up the launch, while two boats, both following normal launch etiquette, were waiting to get out!

On my first visit to a boat launch Darrell was quick to school me on the proper etiquette. I have since observed and read up on the normal process so that I do not hold up traffic at the ramp and or cause problems.

Here is a great, short video on proper launch etiquette:

And if that wasn’t helpful enough, here’s another one:

There are lots of great articles on the subject as well. I am tempted to print some of them off and hand them out the next time we run into someone who left their brain elsewhere. A few good reads are:

Of course, I can’t deny the sheer entertainment value of watching some of the weekend circus members trying to launch their boats. As long as I’m not stuck in line I get a good laugh out it!
But please, respect boat launch etiquette, it will make for a more enjoyable day for everyone.
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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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2 Responses

  1. MNAngler says:

    Print out these articles and keep some in your truck. The next time you see a moron, watch where he parks and put the articles under his windshield.

  1. June 19, 2011

    […] The Argosgirl Chronicles Writing about fishing, the outdoors and other adventures Skip to content HomeAbout MeFishing SpotsTwitter-FolkWild Websites ← Grow A Brain – Boat Launch Etiquette […]

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