A Wild & Windy Wednesday Morning

It was quite wild and windy here early Wednesday morning as we experienced the strongest storm to roll through these parts so far this year.

Just shortly after midnight the lightning started to flash, then the thunder began rumbling in the distance, then the rain started and the winds came roaring in. It was a mad dash to close the windows as my plants were being blown off windowsills and the rain blew in to soak the carpet.

I, in my brilliance, had left laundry hanging on the line and was picturing my clothes ending up in trees or out by the road (a surprising number of them survived the storm and are still on the line).

The horses were smart enough to stay hidden in the shed.

When the storm was at its worst the sky was consistently lit up. I’ve never seen anything like it. The wind was unbelievable. We live in an old farm house with very thick walls. You normally don’t hear sounds from outside. Even with the windows shut last night it sounded like I was outside.

The storm finally moved on after nearly an hour of wreaking havoc.

This morning I woke up to find the results…

I already knew we had no hydro but I wasn’t sure of the reason. I went outside to see if there was any damage.

The first downed tree I noticed was over by the paddock. A big beautiful tree was snapped down near its roots.

Then I wondered over towards the driveway and saw the cause of our hydro outage…a huge tree had fallen across the driveway, taking the hydro lines with it!

The hydro company tells me that due to the number of outages in our area, it will be 2 o’clock at least before we get someone out here. Guess I’m not making it to work today.



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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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