Website Wednesday –

This week’s featured website is

I think most of my readers are very familiar with Owl Jones, but for those of you who are not, you really need to click on the link above and visit the site that is looking for total domination of the fly fishing world!

I first discovered Owl Jones thanks the Outdoor Blogger Network. I clicked on a link and ended up reading a blog post that made me laugh enough for Darrell to think something was wrong with me.

If you’re looking for unique, informative, and downright entertaining posts, is the place to go.  The latest post, The Tenakara Scam was a great account of the Tenkara system. No idea what Tenkara is? I didn’t have a clue until I read this post.

Do you want to win something? I know I’m always on the lookout for free stuff. is giving away some neat stuff right now and all you have to do is ‘like’ their Facebook page.  It doesn’t get much easier than that.

My favorite feature right now is Owl Jones Live, the weekly radio show. I don’t seem to be awake when the show comes on Thursdays at 11pm but I’ve caught the podcasts of the first two shows and really enjoyed them. The third installment is tomorrow night and Owl would love suggestions for topics. Don’t miss it!

Even if you’re not into fly fishing you find something interesting at Check it out!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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5 Responses

  1. mtnwestmedia says:

    Nice Site ref, the Tankara peice was great.
    I’ve watched the video and we are all saying things like this.
    Well Grass Hopper you can have a reel if you master Tenkara,,,, LOL !!

    I’ll fish one,,, what the heck,,,,,

  2. Owl Jones says:

    Ahhhh, I see you got the check. If you’d told me you needed another $5 to get the name right every time, I’d have sent it to you. We’re not THAT cheap over here.
    Seriously, thank you very much for the plug. It did two things – brought me some much appreciated hits AND made me realize that I didn’t have you on our blogroll! ( I know – what’s up with that?) Well, now you’re on it.

    you owe me .43 and a snickers. ( Why? I have no idea.)


    • argosgirl says:

      Hahaha I thought the check was supposed to be for $10…when I saw $5 I decided not to worry about quality control 😉 Glad to have helped out with some hits. Thanks for adding me to the blogroll! I’m all out of snickers, you’ll have to settle for dust.

  3. Quill Gordon says:

    Argosgirl, you know you’re just encouraging him, right?

  4. Owl Jones says:

    I feel like Charlie Brown with the dust thing…..Charlie Brown: ” I got a rock.”


    Quill, stop stalking me. 🙂

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