Counting Down The Hours…It’s Almost Fishing Time!

The Boat

All clean, hooked up and ready to go!

It’s almost here – tomorrow is trout opener in Southern Ontario! The countdown is now in hours instead of days and tonight is beginning to feel like Christmas Eve with all the anticipation.

The weather report for tomorrow morning is calling for light rain but it doesn’t matter what the weather is, I’ll be down at the creek first thing casting for brook trout. Fortunately for me there’s a good creek a short walk from the house. We’ll start at a couple of our favorite pools from last year and go from there. I hope we get at least a few bites.

Since it looks like the wind might pick up we may leave the fly rods at home and just take the ultralights out. A few spinners proved to be extremely effective last year and they will be on our rods to start the day.

However, this weekend is not devoted just to trout. The boat went for a bath today and if the weather is nice enough we’re hoping to get her out for a spin this weekend. A visit to a local lake is a great way to put her through her paces and see if anything needs repairs before taking her out on the larger water. Hopefully everything will be working great and we’ll catch some crappie.

It’s almost time! Rods are ready. Let’s go!

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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