Website Wednesday: The Functioning Fishaholics
A site that I have found myself visiting more often is The Functioning Fishaholics. According to their Twitter profile The Functioning Fishaholics are:
A group of fisherman from South Eastern PA who have the sickness…An urge to fish to excess or die trying.
I originally found the The Functioning Fishaholics on Twitter and became a fan of the interesting tweets, especially the ones with pictures of fly tying. As someone just at the threshold of learning fly fishing I find it incredible to see flies that have been tied by fellow anglers. I really am no judge of good fly tying at this point but the pictures look great to me and make me dream of tying my own flies one day (maybe once I start learning the names of everything and how to use them).
The website itself is full of well-written articles and a great amount of humor. Yesterday’s post, Five of the best stupid fishing videos…, had me laughing into my tea this morning and posts like Outdoor Photo Prompt – Playing Outdoor Favorites contain some great advice. A rather unique feature is the Fish Count page, showing the fish caught by the five members of the group. It’s fun to have a look at what other anglers are catching and their record sizes.
Take the time to visit the website at and find them on Twitter at I think you’ll be happy with the results.