Website Wednesday: Cycling Silk

Since starting this blog I have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of websites there are devoted to the outdoors and outdoor activities. There are so many excellent sites available that a person can spend all day browsing online and get little else accomplished (I happen to know this from personal experience).

I do my best to share the information I find by posting it in this blog, on my Twitter account and on Facebook. To this end I have decided to start Website Wednesday as a way of spotlighting excellent outdoors-related websites. I hope you enjoy this feature.

This week’s website is Cycling Silk.

The Cycling Silk Team

The Cycling Silk Team

Cycling Silk is the portal into the world of the adventurous Canadian duo of Kate Harris and Mel Yule. Friends since childhood these two have become accomplished researchers, explorers and adventure-junkies.

In 2006 Kate and Mel set out to cycle across the Silk Road.

In 2011 they have returned to complete the trek, but with a new goal in mind. While the original trip was about adventure and testing themselves, the new odyssey has developed a more focused mission:

To explore wilderness conservation and connectivity across borders on the Silk Road, using bikes as vehicles for translating adventure into environmental advocacy.

The expedition began in January in Istanbul, Turkey and the pair is currently in Georgia, where they will be spending some time conducting research before continuing on to Azerbaijan and following a route that will have them pedaling through China before resting their bikes, now known as ‘Marco’ and ‘Polo’, in Northern India.

Trees in the Snow

An example of the scenes captured along the way

The website enables visitors to follow every step of the journey with vibrantly descriptive blog entries and fascinating photography. Learn about the how the team manages to communicate in unfamiliar languages, the friends they meet along the way and the challenges they find in cross-boundary conservation.

Please take a moment to visit Cycling Silk and support Kate and Mel in their journey.

Visit the Cycling Silk website.

Join Cycling Silk on Facebook.

Read a recent newspaper article about the team.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.


Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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