Back Online! …and Grossed Out

After a very long and busy week that culminated in moving into our new house this weekend, I am very glad to finally rejoin the online community.

Being too tired to turn on my laptop kept me away from Twitter, Facebook, and the awesome outdoor writers I enjoy following. Many nights last week I would stare at my laptop, think about all of the great stuff I was missing, and fall asleep before I could do anything.

With the move over, and at least half of the boxes unpacked, I finally found the energy to turn on my computer tonight and start catching up. Turns out I had missed some great fishing reports from Bass PunditΒ and Jody’s Fishing, a great story about a fishing trip from Brookfield Angler, and several great posts from the always entertaining Owl Jones.

When my eyes got tired from reading I drifted over to YouTube and happened to find this video. I couldn’t help it, it grossed me out. Enjoy πŸ™‚

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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Sporadic blogger and sometimes podcaster who loves fishing, the outdoors, hanging with her animals, gardening, and reading manga.

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3 Responses

  1. Owl Jones says:

    Awww, thanks for the kind words! I try to be as entertaining as I can be, and to be honest with you I was hoping my name WOULDN’T show up under the “grossed out” part! πŸ˜‰ LOL
    I think I remember that one, but we don’t watch Bear much( we were big Les Stroud Survivorman fans). I kept telling my wife ” no way he’s going to be able to do that” but whaydda know!? He did! I think. I mean. Didn’t he? I didn’t click it. I didn’t want to be grossed out with ya. πŸ˜‰

    • argosgirl says:

      Hahaha I was really grossed out by watching that video. I love catching fish but I could never imagine eating one right out of the river like that. Ugh…gives me the heebie-jeebies!

  2. I can’t believe I missed this! Thanks for the kind words!!!

    You are now being added to the blogroll so I don’t miss anything!

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